Loch Leven Garden & Nursery

714 Rotherham Road South, Rotherham

Expansive and Tranquil

Hosts: Doreen & Mike Dryden

Address: 714 Rotherham Road South, Rotherham

Phone: 027 220 5186


Loch Leven started 35 years ago from a blank canvas. Come and see what a passionate plants woman and an enthusiastic husband have created. This 3-acre structured and restful garden is tranquil and inspiring. 

Native areas provide shelter and an evergreen back drop. Hedging has been used extensively to provide shelter and structure.  Large borders are filled with creative plant combinations and a gorgeous spring display. Deciduous trees are planted throughout the large expanse lawn and garden. Wire art and locally sourced boulders are a focal point within the garden. A summerhouse is nestled between peony beds and espaliered fruit trees. 

A new area developed during Lockdown 2020 shows what can be achieved in a short time.

The nursery has a wide selection of plants, which the owners propagate and will be available to purchase.

Loch Leven has many places to sit and enjoy the beautiful vistas this expansive garden has to offer.



Loch Leven Nursery: a huge range of old fashioned and unusual perennials, hostas, hedging, roses, peonies, shrubs and topiaries for sale. When: Daily

Dahlia workshop: Learn everything about growing dahlias with Paula Kelly. When: Thursday 31 October 11.30am.
Cost: Free with admission.

Sloe Gin: Angus Galletly and Eddie Davies will talk about making sloe gin and have some for tasting. When: Saturday
2 November, 2pm – 4pm. Cost: Free with admission.

On-site/off-road parking available
Wheelchair accessible
Picnic area (visitors may bring food)
Toilets available on site
Tea/coffee included in admission
Tours available
Nursery/plants for sale
Garden opens at other times
Home producers/vegetable gardens
Plants/produce stalls
